

1.       Continuing the reform of the institution and building up implementation capacity.

2.       Providing effective, efficient, accessible and predictable justice,

3.       Enabling drafts, codification and consolidation of law supported by research and study.

4.       Giving prior to the activities on the prevention of affiances endangering the constitution, constitutional order and public interest and deterring criminals before the court.

5.       Establishing a system of compensation for victims of crime in civil affairs.

6.       Enabling prisoners abide in law and professional with proper handling and protection of human rights.

7.       Making legal research and study and enhancing awareness of the community in protection of human rights, strengthening the rule of law and supporting for good governance and development. 

8.       Creation public capacity and arrangement, which respect and enforce the law and the system through proving public awareness level by level.

9.       Creating public legal awareness through accelerated dissemination of law.

10.   Enhancing the role of Mass and professional association’s stake holders in the building up of good governance and democratization system.

11.   Ensuring and following up the implementation of the courts decisions

12.   Ensuring whether there are respected legal rights and interests of women. Youth, children, disabled and people who are living with HIV/AIDS.

13.   Establishing a system which ensures professional competence and codes of conduct of advocates to enhance their role in the justice system, making complete and change in to proactive the registration system.

14.   Fully changed in to practice the system of documents authentication and registration.